? ??????????????Triobelisk? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.5 (2 Ratings)??212 Grabs Today. 1163 Total Grabs. ??????
Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Red Reign? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (1 Rating)??330 Grabs Today. 1614 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ???????The Water Front BLOGGER TEMPLATES - TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

It's been too long!

Hello! So, It's been too long since I've written! I am now only 4 weeks away from my due date with our second little girl! I am anxous to have her, but don't feel as anxous as I was with Natalie... I'm mostly just tired of being pregnant! I think it's because I'm not very nervous for this one. I feel I know what to expect. I know they say every baby is differant, but I feel pretty confidant. I know it won't be the same though. NOT looking foward to the sleepless nights....

I haven't been doing much cooking... pretty much at all. I have NO energy in this last trimester! Another reason I can't wait to have this new baby! I miss cooking like crazy! I did manage to make a blackberry cobbler tonight! Pretty impressed with myself! Even though it's really easy!

I braved a 19 hour roadtrip to California this last week! And survived! With nothing more then some swollen ankles! It was a nice break and vacation! Spent alot of time at the pool and ocean! I didn't want to come home...

Well, I'll write more when I get the chance! Better eat something for dinner tonight...


Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Hmmm... Tired and bored! lol. So I figured I'd blog! ;) Sorry if it's really boring! Ha! So, Here I am. Super full from dinner... but for some reason I want ice cream. :) Maybe it's 'cuz I'm prego. It's been like 2 hours since dinner and I'm totally bloated! I feel like I'm 5 months pregnant!

So Ryan's entertaining a friend he just met. I find it funny how fast guys can connect! They met at church and then he was invited to Ryan's parents for dinner because they were already like good friends and now he's at our house and totally hanging out and getting along. Most girls you meet a new girl and you have to hang out with them with others for a couple times before you can do a one on one girl hang out time. Idk, maybe that's just me.

So I really am going to make the chocolate Easter things before Sunday's church. I think I'm going to pass them out to the little kids! They'll like that! Boy, Sunday will be a "sugar high day" for all the kids... oh man! Natalie's first Easter she'll be able to really experiance! I guess we'll let her have a little sugar... lol. Maybe! She doesn't know what she's missing yet does she? Good! :)

So tomorrow we're going to order our new bed aka beds. We've had it with beds that sink in the middle and finally bought a "Sleep Number" bed.... NOT worth the money!! Basically it's just a REALLY expensive air mattress. So, now we're getting two twin mattress and putting them on a king bed frame. So it should work out! Hopefully! I haven't slept really well since I was pregnant with Natalie and she's 17 months old now! I'm a little sick of it. I try not to complain.... but I do too much! :( So I guess it will arrive on next Thursday. He orders on mondays, and we missed this last Monday. Can't wait!

Alright, I'm outta here! I'll write soon!


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Last beautiful day of the weekend..

Ahhh! Another beautiful day! But it's not gonna last long. The weather says rain again tomorrow... should I be surprised? I live in Washington. My pastey self got a little burned yesterday in the mountains! Ha! So did my husband. We went for a day trip with some of his friends and went shooting! It was a perfect day... although I did get a little warm! Last week when we went it was FREEZING! So I think I over dressed a little... Thank God for layers!

Well, I never made the Easter candy chocolate things... got a little busy. I'll try to make them soon! They have to be done at least by Easter, Right?

Mmmm... so our neighbor does this "Scentsy" thing with candles and stuff and she gave us some smelly no wick ones. Mmmm! They smell good! :)

Anyway, I'm kinda just rambling on here. I'll sign off now!
Until next time!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Beautiful day in the NW

Ahh! It's a beautiful day in the Pacific NW! I love it here! Today we're headed out for a walk around the park/lake! My husband loves to take the stroller and baby "off roading" onto the trails and near the water... Natalie loves it! It's been a slow morning so far, but I will be fun once we get going! I have a huge load of laundry to fold that I've been putting off just since yesterday, but I have a feeling it will stay undone until at least tomorrow... oh well. Tonight I think I'm going to try out my candy making kit I bought last night! It should be fun! I'll post pictures when it's done! Better go get ready... Have a great day!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Gummy Circles

So, tonight I made "gummy circles" aka gummy bears in a circle. They turned out pretty good, the consistancy worked well, but they tasted like Jello (Funny that's what they were made of). I'll post the recipe for them if you want to try them:

Shopping List:
A candy mold, 1.50$ from Hobby Lobby or any craft store
1 3/4 cups boiling water
1 6oz package Jell-O or a Jello knockoff brand.
Measuring cup with pour spout - Use a glass one; plastic ones break eventually when exposed to boiling water
2 tsp Unflavored Gelatin - Knox brand or another
A medium to large sized bowl
Vegetable oil or Pam-type cooking spray
paper towels

Making the Gummies:
Either spray no-stick cooking spray on the candy mold then whipe it off again with the paper towel, or add a small amount of vegetable oil to a paper towel and whipe down the mold. Add Jello package and 2 tsp gelatin to bowl and mix together. Pour in 1 3/4 cups boiling water, and stir for about 2 minutes, until everything is definitely dissolved. Pour into the candy mold, and place it in the fridge. 30 minutes should be enough time for it to set if you're using a small gummy bear or jelly bean mold, but go for an hour to 2 hours if making larger shapes (like turtles). This makes a whole bunch of gummy bears - enough for three or four people. If you're making more than one color of gummy bear for a mix, expect to have gummy bears coming out your ears

I'll probably make them again, but with differant flavors next time. Instead of Watermellon and Blueberry. Flavors that are actual gummy bear flavors maybe...

Starting out...

Hi, I'm Kate. I'm a wife and stay at home mom. I have an amazing husband Ryan, who's always there for me and always so supportive to me! I couldn't live without him! We have a beautiful daughter named Natalie Rose (17 months), and one on the way. Due October 11th. So I'm trying out the whole blogging thing. I think I'm gonna like it. I've wanted to try this for a while, but have never gotten around to starting one. I think this will be kind of a cooking blog also. I love to cook and make things, and I love to take pictures of what I make! :) So I'll be posting my recipes and pictures of what I make! Let's see how this goes!